Lonely from Willie

As the day progressed, I heard Willie singing from his album Red Headed Stranger. And so I decided to listen to the entire thing. Here is Willie's lonely song from a very lonesome album. Can I Sleep In Your Arms from Willie Nelson's Red Headed Stranger.

What is There to See on a Sagebrush and Prickly Pear Sidehill?

If Freddy Parchinee had not been searching for the truth, he probably would not have found it, and we would all have peace and quiet around here. I guess I should blame God, since He made it what it was and because He, in all his off-the-cross glory, was the truth Freddy expected to find, … Continue reading What is There to See on a Sagebrush and Prickly Pear Sidehill?

The Burning of Morel Brigham

Old Morley wasn’t ashes yet. But he soon would be. The joke was Old Morely was gonna burn twice, once in the Crematory Oven, and again in perpetuity in the Devil’s Workshop. Bishop Odner was not pleased about the joke or the idea of anybody—even somebody as recalcitrant as Morley Brigham—having their God-given body burned. … Continue reading The Burning of Morel Brigham